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Pulse Mining Systems, Pulse Mining ERP, Pulse Analytics, Pulse people in the news…

Is Pulse monitoring the heartbeat of your operations?

It all started back in the heady days of the late 1980s. It was a time when popular spreadsheet software Lotus 1-2-3 ruled the market, the Macintosh II computer had just been released…

Pulse beats strongly for latest winners

The secret to some of today’s [mining] industry leaders is an Australian-developed suite of solutions for managing the entire mining business…

Bat Booth 2.0 cuts virus risk with automatic fever checks

The intelligent device has been raced into production by Melbourne manufacturer Mideco and Newcastle-based technology company Pulse Mining Systems in response to the coronavirus pandemic threatening lives and economies around the world…

Holistic Business Optimization v. The Silo Mentality

WHITEPAPER: From the talk on cultural change in mining at IMARC 2019 by Ash Bosworth. Do big fish still eat small fish? Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chair of the World Economic Forum, said that in the new world it’s not the big fish that eats the small fish but rather the fast fish that eats the slow fish. We’re saying this is very much the case in the evolution of the mining industry at the present time. There are mining companies willing…

Bat Booth 2.0 reduces on-site virus transmission risk in heavy industry

Bat Booth 2.0 uses temperature checks to help protect workers from viral infections and heat stress, while reducing the risk of dust diseases such as coal workers pneumoconiosis, silicosis and farmer’s lung…

COVID-19 accelerates conversion of anti-black lung tech into temperature monitor

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted Australian mining equipment and technology companies Mideco Jia Pty Ltd and Pulse Mining Systems to fast-track plans to convert an analogue device that helps prevent black lung disease into a heat sensor that scans and tracks mine and quarry workers’ potential of having contracted the new coronavirus…

Units enable on-site virus checks

A breakthrough in Australian-made integrated hardware and digital technology can now be used as a tool for the remote management of onsite workforce COVID-19 transmission risk in real time…

Dust buster may detect coronavirus

A personal dust extraction device designed to protect workers from dust-borne diseases such as silicosis and coal workers’ pneumoconiosis can also alert them to elevations in their temperature…

Digital finger on the Pulse

Klaus Schwab, author, founder and executive chair of the World Economic Forum, is credited with saying “In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it’s the fast fish which eats the slow fish”. For mining to follow this natural order in the age of Industry 4.0, Ash Bosworth, managing director and chief executive of Pulse Mining Systems, believes companies quick to embrace digital transformation with integrated Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) business systems and real-time intelligence will inevitably predominate…

Hunter company joins forces with famous rocker

Attracting attention in business can be half the battle – particularly in the highly competitive mining sector. One Hunter company though has struck an unusual note… drafting in a member of an iconic Aussie rock band… (TV news segment)

Kestrel puts new management systems in place

The new management at Kestrel has implemented the Pulse Mining ERP and Pulse Analytics as its new [mine management and] reporting system after the mine was sold by Rio Tinto to EMR Capital and Adaro Energy for $2.9 billion. System implementation is being fast-tracked in readiness for the most seamless transition to new ownership methodologies and more streamlined business processes…

Significant statistics

Australian Mining speaks with several tech luminaries working in the resources sector to discuss the increasing prevalence of tech collaborations that are slowly but surely unpacking the industry’s analytical quandaries… Pulse Mining attempts to stand out from its competitors through the use of a heavily customer-focused USP: agile techniques that break down points into key deliverables and promise tangible benefits for operations within two weeks…

Mining and data in 2017 Pt 1

We speak with Ashley Bosworth, Director of Analytics and Innovation at Pulse Mining Systems, on the year ahead for the mining industry… “Data is already right at the ‘coal face’ – mining machinery such as continuous miners are fitted with hundreds of sensors that capture and transmit data continuously. The changes that are happening are more around the timeliness of using such data, than its availability…”